
Venezia – ‘Preventive conservation’ at Venetian palace

Riportiamo l’articolo de ALJAZEERA sugli interventi a Palazzo Ducale a Venezia.


Aljazeera.com : ‘Preventive conservation’ at Venetian palace

Art restorers intervene on precious artworks and elaborate ornamentation at the Doge’s Palace in Venice.

VENICE, Italy (AP) — Art restorers in Venice are conducting an ambitious monitoring project to analyze and intervene early on precious artworks and elaborate ornamentation at a landmark Venetian palace that was at the heart of political life in the powerful maritime Republic of Venice. The project at the Doge’s Palace, handled by the Fondazione Musei Civici of Venice, began in June and will last roughly 14 months as restorers examine every centimeter of the surfaces of the palace — known as Palazzo Ducale — which contains some of the world’s most magnificent artworks, including paintings by Tintoretto and Titian. The Italian government has provided 500,000 euros in funding for the project.[…]


VENEZIA, Italia  — A Venezia i restauratori stanno conducendo un ambizioso progetto di monitoraggio per analizzare e intervenire tempestivamente su preziose opere d’arte e sugli elaborati ornamenti presso Palazzo Ducale […]. Il progetto a Palazzo Ducale, curato dalla Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, è iniziato a giugno e durerà circa 14 mesi […]. Il governo italiano ha stanziato 500.000 euro di finanziamento per il progetto. Per poter lavorare su piccole porzioni, lasciando così lo spazio aperto al pubblico, i restauratori utilizzano ogni giorno impalcature mobili, che permettono loro di arrivare ai soffitti […].

Restorer Alberto Marcon inspects the 7.45-metre x 24.65-metre oil on canvas ‘Il Paradiso‘, completed in 1592 by Venetian painters Jacopo Robusti, also known as Tintoretto, and his son Domenico in the Maggior Consiglio Hall inside Palazzo Ducale in Venice. [Domenico Stinellis/AP Photo]

Restorer Alberto Marcon maps signs of decay on the ‘Il Paradiso‘. [Domenico Stinellis/AP Photo]


Restorer Romana Albini works in the Consiglio dei Dieci Hall inside Palazzo Ducale, on the gilded carved wooden ceiling surrounding Jacopo D’Andrea‘s 1863 copy of Paolo Veronese’s oil on canvas ‘Jupiter Hurling Thunderbolts at the Vices‘, confiscated by the art commissars of Napoleon Bonaparte and removed to Paris in 1797. [Domenico Stinellis/AP Photo]

Restorer Alice Chiodelli works at the conservation and study of ‘The reward and a pair of putti‘. The canvas was adorning the Grimani’s Hall in the Doge’s apartments of Palazzo Ducale. (Domenico Stinellis/AP Photo)

Restorers Annalisa Tosatto, right, and Alice Chiodelli work at the conservation and study of ‘The reward and a pair of putti‘. [Domenico Stinellis/AP Photo]



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